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Planning to create custom WordPress theme for my website

I planned to start this website an year ago. I bought a domain name. But somehow i didn’t get the time to setup this blog. I was planning to create my blog from scratch using MVC 5. I thought that i am developer so i should create my own blog. I started the project but due to my engagement in other projects i didn’t get much time to give on my personal website project. So i setup this blog using wordpress. I had previous experience on wordpress as i have two additional blogs using wordpress.

WordPress comes with default theme twenty fifteen. It’s a good theme but i don’t find this good for my website. Personal and individual preferences. I wanted something very simple and clean. I am blogging since 2011 and i started on wordpress free hosted version (yes, that domain name website). There i was using a free theme called fresh and clean. I wanted something very similar to that. o i searched and found this theme called apex. It’s a free theme with some restrictions. For editing footer and some other text you have to buy it. I would say that theme is very nice but also as a developer we don’t like restrictions. So now i feel that i should create a wordpress theme from scratch for my website. I am going to start that project today and i’ll keep you updated. After successful completion of this project i’ll make that theme available free of cost and i’ll also share the tutorial on how to make a wordpress theme.

This theme will be fresh, simple and clean. I will be the same theme which i will use in my version of this website. So i wish myself a good luck.

One Comment

  1. mohamed badawy mohamed badawy

    i want to communicate with you because i want some help i have a projict in my college

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